General Notes
The waitlist opens with term registration. During the period of active registration, regular attempts will be made to move students from the waitlist to desired class sections. This will be done in the form of a nightly batch process. We will look for open seats in the available sections being offered and make all appropriate changes.
Active registration is defined as the first day of registration appointments through the day that tuition payment must be made (confirmation). After this point, the waitlist will be deactivated for the term. Any students still on the waitlist will be dropped. This is true for both Spring and Summer Semesters. For Fall Semester, the waitlist will be cleared immediately prior to the first “Bama Bound” orientation session. The waitlist function will be disabled during the time of “Bama Bound” (May to Aug).
Students will be informed via email of their waitlist status. The affected faculty and the college Assistant/Associate Deans are also sent an email with a copy of the purged waitlists.
Departments may enter registration permits for a student on the waitlist. In this case, the student must first drop off the waitlist and then register for the class.
Important Waitlist Notes
The Waitlist is not a guarantee of eventual enrollment in a class section. Only students with low waitlist numbers typically have a chance at possible enrollment in most circumstances (lower than 5). Students should always choose alternate classes in case that they are unable to move off the waitlist into the class section desired.
Students should not use the waitlist to “jockey” for a class section if already enrolled in another section of the same course. NO attempt will be made to register a student who is waitlisted multiple times for the same course and/or where the student was already REGISTERED for another section of the waitlisted course.
Students should not register for classes in blocks of time that overlap with waitlisted sections. NO attempt will be made to register a student who is time conflicted with existing sections.
Students may not exceed maximum hours allowed for a term. NO attempt will be made to register a student who is already in a maximum hour situation or will go into a maximum hour overload situation with the addition of the waitlisted course.
Students should not waitlist themselves for class sections for which they are missing pre- or co-requisites. In order to get on the waitlist, a student must have already fulfilled the pre- or co-requisite requirement. Note, for a student currently enrolled in a pre- or co-requisites, the system presumes the student will successfully complete the course. If a student fails the pre- or co-requisites, the existing course registration related to the pre- or co-requisite will be dropped.
NO attempt will be made to register a student in a course where a lecture/lab combination discrepancy or other scheduling restrictions exist.
It is the responsibility of the student to check the status of the waitlist. If a student no longer wishes to remain on this list, then they should drop through mybama. Failure to drop the waitlist can result in registration for the course. Students will receive an “F” for failure to drop classes they’re not attending.